About OpenKadaster
We created OpenKadaster to empower everyone with free access to Dutch house transaction data.
The Problem
In the Netherlands, house transaction data has historically been locked behind barriers. Until now, real estate transaction details were either exclusive to NVM real estate agents or hidden behind paywalls in platforms like the regular Kadaster. This inaccessibility limits public insight into the housing market, leaving homebuyers, sellers, and researchers without a complete picture.
OpenKadaster is here to change that. We believe everyone should have equal access to housing market information, regardless of their resources or affiliations. This transparency helps individuals make informed real estate decisions, allows for fairer pricing assessments, and contributes to more educated community discussions around housing.
Our Solution
OpenKadaster offers a free, comprehensive database of Dutch house transactions, accessible to all. By bringing this data to the public, we aim to democratize information that was once kept in closed networks. Our platform enables potential buyers to understand market trends, empowers researchers to analyze housing patterns, and gives citizens access to the same knowledge that industry insiders have long kept to themselves.
This is a crowdsourced dataset, and we rely on users like you to add new data. Every transaction shared helps build a more transparent, informed housing market for everyone.
How You Can Help
You can support this initiative in several ways. First, explore the OpenKadaster database and use it to make informed decisions about housing. Share our mission with others: mention OpenKadaster to friends, family, and in your community groups. If you have relevant transaction information, consider contributing data to our platform here so others can benefit. Together, we can create a more transparent, informed housing market for everyone.
Yours sincerely,
The OpenKadaster Team